The very first series of the「人 HUMAN」collection,
「口 HEART」is an intimate expression of human communication.
Friends are families you choose.
What have you not said lately?
Shop the Human collection here.
The very first series of the「人 HUMAN」collection,「心 HEART」is an intimate expression of human love.Love is love. There is no one way to love.How’s your heart doing today?
Shop the Human collection here.
We lived in such a wonderful world full of nature.
Celebrate this beautiful relationship with the environment, learn to let down your hair and enjoy the smallest things around you.
Full collection here.
to your passionto your visionto your goalsto yourselfto your heart
Wan 弯 - Studio Yumumu Cheongsam - Studio HHFZ
Avril - Studio Yumumu Cheongsam - Studio HHFZ
Our first collection - a line of organic shapes that accentuate and define wood in different perspectives. Each pair aspires to show that wood is able to take on different kinds of shapes and sizes. Every piece is lovingly handmade and no two designs are the same.
Featured in video: Iris Earrings
Full collection here.